Notes for week ending 25-1-25

It was a short week, in the sense that Monday was a holiday.

On the other hand, since the inauguration on Monday, this week has been a hell of a year.

Of note:

Monday I turned off the news and reformatted my office somewhat. I intend to start making videos for YouTube, and needed the space to be different for that. More details on that coming soon!

I took a week off from the kitchen. I had a busy weekend with work and church obligations, so Monday I just puttered in my office and listened to music., then sat on the couch and read.

Preached at Safe Harbor Church Sunday night. Its always a pleasure to get asked to preach in another pulpit.

Subscribed to The Guardian news magazine. Trying to shift my news consumption.

It hit 14 degrees in my backyard on Tuesday night. Virtually all of Mississippi is USDA Zone 8. This means that our average coldest temperature over a 30 year period is between 10 and 20 degrees F. In other words, it is NORMAL for us to expect at least one day a year to experience temperatures between 10 and 20 degrees F. While I may not like it, this is not outside the range of what should be expected. I don’t like it though.

New Orleans got a huge snowstorm, but we were in a small snow-free hole.

Media consumption

Finished  The Queen City Detective Agency. It takes place in Meridian, about 100 miles from where I live, and I’m a sucker for fiction that takes place in Mississippi. It was… OK. It had a Black woman protagonist, and the author was a white man. I feel like she was almost a caricature.

I picked up The Little Sister by Raymond Chandler. I love Chandler, but somehow do not remember this one.

Because of the funk, I watched the last season of Vera on Britbox. I will miss this show.


I had to work Thursday night, so I only cooked three nights this week.

Chili with Fritos. I think this is my platonic ideal of chili, meaning it is how my mom always made chili.

We had another French toast night. Renee is on a baking kick, which means we have a lot of bread around the house.

Chicken parmesan with spaghetti.

A business, man

I don’t think is going to work for what I need it for. I’m keeping it for now, but set up a blog on using the ghost blog platform. I’ve used ghost before, but not for just plain blogging. I’ll experiment with it for a while.

As I mentioned above, I have an idea for a video project, so I spent a lot of time trying to get things YouTube-ready.

It was an ugly week, and I’m ready to be shot of it.

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