It was cold this week (even the cats hid under the blankets), and I didn’t feel all that good, and I had a couple of big meetings at the day job that sucked all the oxygen out of everything. So, not much got done this week.
Worth noting
Installed flush lights in both the kitchen and the hallway at home. We used these, and it worked out perfectly. It was easy to do – the worst part being the climbing around in the attic and insulation and whatnot. BUT, it’s better to be in the attic when it’s 35 outside than when it’s 95 this august.
As I note Zuckerberg’s huge reversal on content curation that will make it much harder for LGBT folk to be safe on any of their sites, it seems the writing is on the wall that one day, I will not be able to ethically remain on their platforms. With that in mind, I went ahead and downloaded my entire Facebook history – photos, messages, posts, the whole lot. They actually make it really simple.
It was damned cold (for us) all week here, which made me pretty miserable. Yes, I’m trying to live a bit more seasonally, but it went from 76 one day to 25 the next, and I like to have cried right there. It should be back in the fifties during the day soon, which is how its supposed to be in January in Mississippi.
Pretty crippling migraine on Wednesday. Cold, grey, skies and crushing barometric pressures.
I’m a business, man!
Wrote (but have not yet sent) a monthly update to the members – the first draft of one, anyway.
More moving recurring payments from the old bank account to the new one. Every time I think I’m done, another one shows up I had forgotten about.
Feb 24 will be the 10-year anniversary of my newsletter. I’m working on a relaunch of sorts, and so have begun a super ambitious project with a bit more than a month to do it. Seems on-brand.
Wrote and sent my 18th weekly essay for my members. I love the rhythm of a weekly essay – almost like a columnist.
Started rereading A Taste For Death, by PD James. Another Dalgleish book. Cerebral mysteries are comfort food I come back to again and again, and when I’m particularly stressed (like now) or depressed, I reread favorites.
12 Week Year, by Brian P. Moran and Brian Lennington. It’s a business book I read after seeing it referenced by Dan Catt on his Quarternotes video. The concept intrigued me, especially as I am seeking to live more seasonally, and quarters are seasons, yes? But the book was miserably written, with everything out of sequence (for my brain, anyway) and it’s obviously written for salespeople – literally every example, bar one or two, is from the financial sales arena. I guess it might be helpful for them, but it wasn’t written for me. I finished it, but shouldn’t have. I kept hoping it would all come together in the next chapter, but alas, it did not.
Did not finish 2k to 10k: Writing Faster, Writing Better, and Writing More of What You Love. The first chapter was interesting, but it rapidly became obvious that this was for fiction writers, and a particular sort of fiction writer, and I am no sort of fiction writer. I got it for .99 on Kindle, so I’m not mad, but it wasn’t for me.
Pretty much regardless of how I feel, I cook. It’s one of those things that give my life shape and meaning. The routine of our life is such that I cook M-Th for supper, we eat out Friday and Sunday, and Saturday is catch as catch can.
Patty melts and tater tots.
French toast with bacon on the side for supper. Basically used this recipe, with Wonder Texas Toast leftover from the Patty melts. (YUM!)
Phoned it in, with frozen ravioli, a quick tomato sauce, garlic bread (using the leftover Texas Toast) and a bagged salad. It’s important to have plans for when you have a day with a massive headache and zero creativity.
Hamburger steak, rice with brown gravy, and green beans. Basically channeling my inner fifties housewife.
Sometimes, the best thing you can say about a week is that you survived it. This, my friends, was such a week.